Monday, January 09, 2006

Next up....Out Of Control Teens

Sunday a 13 year old girl came in because she had taken 41 cough,cold and congestion pills. She said she and some friends stole them from the Dollar Store and then took them to get "really high". Her so called "friends" were 27 year old guys and their names sounded like the names of dealers, not friends. She said she passed out on the couch at one of their house's and woke up with blood on her legs at some point, so my guess is, they raped her. Why else would 27 year old guys hang out with a 13 year old. And she was so stupid she was defending them saying they were her friends and they were good guys. First off if they were good guys, they wouldn't have told a 13 year old girl that popping 41 triple c's was a great way to get high, secondly, they wouldn't have let her hang with them in the first place and thirdly once she did pop the pills and started to pass out and start bleeding or what have you, they would have taken her to a hospital, but they didn' they are not nice guys at all. The girl's Father was totally disgusted with her and didn't even want to be in the ER room with her. Since her Father had reported her as a run away the cops had to come up and examine the girl. The officer said she had done more than just take some pills, but the girl kept lying about it, so we had to drug test her and pump her stomach and all that fun stuff. We don't do rape kits here so I am not sure if she was raped or not but my guess is she was. It's so sad.


Blogger Pokey said...

I totally agree, most men are pigs and that's why I don't trust any of them.

9:00 AM  
Blogger The Grunt said...

Yeesh! I'm sorry that some of my gender are royal bastards who deserve to be castrated with a rusty tuna fish can lid. It sounds like these jerks need to be rushed to the front of the line. I hope that the girl recovers and plays (were still talking about a little kid) with other 13-year-old girls from now on, and not adult males.

10:27 AM  

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