Friday, November 18, 2005

Today I Need To Vent.

We are very short handed at my work and because of that we are having to work weekends. At first our supervisors told us we could not have over time, so if we worked a weekend we had to be off one day during the week. I thought that sucked! I mean why am I giving up my weekends when I am not even getting over time? That is not fair at all. I don't blame my work though cuz that way save cash not having to pay us over time,but it still pisses me off. And since we are now getting a day off during the week that means that I am not getting all of my surgeries done,which causes my boss to yell at me. It's so frustrating. They have us keep track of every second of our day like we are in kindergarten. We have these "productivity sheets" that we have to fill out. It says what time we started the account and what time we finished the account. The bosses feel like we should be able to do 25+ surgeries in one business day. The most I have ever gotten done in one day was 19. They expect a lot of us. And I am not even getting to do my job most of the time because they pull us to go out on the front line to register patients. I am usually on the front line about 2 hours a day. I don't mind helping out on the front line,but I don't like the bosses questioning me later as to why all my work is getting done. How am I suppose to get three people's jobs done every day?


Blogger The Grunt said...

Oh Lord, what a shaft bosses expect us to take for the sake of the business. I hope that your sanity is not lost with those hours you put in. BTW, thanks for commenting on my blog!

8:27 PM  

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