Monday, October 10, 2005

The Weekend

Well this weekend was pretty much uneventful. Friday night I had to work at my second job till close, so I didn't get out till 9:45 or so. I was suppose to go hang out with my friend but I was tired as hell so I just went home and passed out. Saturday I worked at the second job till 4 and then I went home and got ready and then we went to my Mom's and she took us out to eat and to see the Grand Opening of Old Time Pottery. I wasn't that impressed but I couldn't really look cuz my Mom was with me and she only likes to look at certain items. So..yeah. Then after that we went to our friends house for a party. It was fun. It was cold outside though. I was upset cuz I never did get drunk so I just sat around and watched TV. On Sunday we went to my in-law's house and then to my Mom's for dinner. That's it kids. A whole lot of nothing.


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