Monday, September 12, 2005

Shake You Off.

My friend Jeanna finally got some balls and left her husband this weekend. I like her husband but he is an ass to her. And he is the kind of guy who is fun at the party but not marriage potential. And he has a major pain pill addiction. But I guess he told her to come get her shit and leave so once she got off of work she went to the apartment to get her stuff and Kurtis begged her to stay. Can we say pathetic? How are you going to kick some one out and then beg them to not leave. People are stupid. Jeanna and Kurtis never should have gotten married,neither of them were ready for that. Marriage is hard work and neither of them are willing to invest the effort and time it takes to make it work. Not to mention they fight all of the time. And Kurtis seems to not like to work and that doesn't pay the bills yo.


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