Friday, May 26, 2006

Time For An Update!

I am so sorry it's been so long since I updated. I have been extremely lazy. That's how it goes yo!

So here is a quick recap. I got the job as the on call supervisor while my boss in India. So that will bring in a $1,000 for the two months. So that's always good. So far I have been paged for all stupid stuff. But that's what we have working here is a bunch of idiots so what more can I expect?

Last Friday night our computer system crashed here at the hospital so I was here until 6 in the morning. So I was here for a full 24 hours and I was sooo tired! But we got all the patients keyed in and that's all that matters.

Mike was admitted into the hospital on Saturday night and just got discharged last night. He had cellulitis in his leg but he is doing much better now. He even went back to work today.

I am super pumped about this weekend. I am on call but I am hoping that no one calls in so I can enjoy the weekend. I am planning on going to my friend's house and swimming in her pool and getting a tan. I can't wait. It's going to be a good time.


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