Tuesday, February 21, 2006

There's Gotta Be Something More

I realized today that at times I hate this place...(my job). Today one of my supervisor's we shall call her AR questioned me on how I got a price for one of the patient's procedures. She seemed satisfied with my response and left me alone. 20 mins later she calls me into her office to question me yet again. So I gave her exact same response I gave her last time. She then takes it to my other supervisor, we shall call her TSC, and asks her if I did it right. TSC says that since it's a medicare replacement plan that there is no way we can charge the customer what I quoted the customer. First off, I have gotten no training on this particular medicare replacement plan, Secondly, my supervisors don't even know how to price the freakin' thing, and thirdly back up off my ass bitches! So now they have me calling the insurance company and questioning them on their charging and see what's up. It's bullshit. whew. Now I feel better.


Blogger The Grunt said...

I hear you. One thing I learned from your post is that on top of all your other duties you have to figure out how much it's all going to cost. I hope that they pay you what you're worth.

10:30 PM  
Blogger Pokey said...

No I don't get paid what I am worth... well I wish made more money but here at the hospital in my department I am maxed out. Yearly I can get up to a 3%raise but that's it. I am making a big $12.57 a hour right now and to be honest it's not enough for all the crap I put up with.

10:44 AM  

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