Sunday, December 16, 2007


Wednesday night/Thursday morning Mike and I were leaving Last Call, several of the intersections were still without power from Sunday's ice storm and Mike accidentally drove through one with out coming to a complete stop. He was pulled over by the cop and arrested for a DUI. I panicked because Mike's car is a standard and I can't drive one and the cop took Mike to jail and just left me there. I was lucky and Mike's friend Aaron picked me up and let me chill @ his place until I could get a ride downtown to bail Mike out of jail. It cost me $50 to bail him out b/c his brother is an attorney and knew the bondsmen so now Mike & I have learned a little lesson.
A. Our priorities were way screwed up
B. We shouldn't drive if we have had too much to drink
C. I really should learn to drive a standard
D. This is going to be expensive as hell!

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